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How can Solar Energy Benefits India’s Healthcare Industry?

How can Solar Energy Benefit India’s Healthcare Industry?

India has a significant solar energy potential since the tropic of cancer runs across several of its important states. Due to the majority of sunny days in a year that India experiences, solar energy is one of the most dependable sources of electricity.

Nowadays residential, commercial, and industrial setups all are using solar energy. There is an increasing demand for solar energy in places that use a lot of energy, such as schools, hospitals, universities, hotels, and sports complexes.

Rural areas in India where long power outages are common. A facility that requires a constant and continuous supply of power is the healthcare sector. It is critical to provide hospitals with a power source in India, where extended power cuts and blackouts are frequent in rural areas, and because uptimes and downtimes should not impact one’s quality of life. 

Inverters and other power sources are one of the solutions open to hospitals but they come with their own set of costs and environmental issues. 

Solar energy can offer uninterrupted power 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to energy-intensive utilities such as hospitals. The energy produced during the day can be stored and used later. Solar solutions are the best choice, and they are also the only real ones because hospitals cannot create their own hydropower or wind farms.

Say Solar has listed down some of the reasons which prove that solar energy is a great boon to the Healthcare Industry;

  1. Suitable for energy-intensive sites
  2. Eco-friendly
  3. Enjoy good ROI
  4. Sets a Good Example
  5. Ease of installation

1. Suitable for Energy-Intensive Sites

Once the solar panels installed in hospitals start working, the increasing electricity expenses may be kept under control. Solar panels are highly long-lasting and require little maintenance for 20 years or more. Most contemporary hospitals also include lifts, monitors,  ventilators, centralised air conditioning, and plenty of lighting which operates 24 hours a day. Solar energy, in the form of heavy-duty PV systems, can provide this massive need.

2. Eco-friendly

If a hospital is fully reliant on nonrenewable resources such as coal and gasoline, it will emit unnecessary greenhouse gases, which will harm the environment. Solar energy is environmentally friendly, and hospitals may obtain green building certifications and recognition. There are a large number of people who visit hospitals frequently, so hospitals using renewable energy provide a positive example for society as a whole.

3. Enjoy good ROI

Once the solar PV system is constructed, you may generate power for your hospital while also transferring excess electricity via net metering and earning credits. Businesses will benefit economically since they will not have to worry about electricity supply for the next 25 years. Solar gains might be utilised to upgrade infrastructure and operations in the hospitals as well as,  acquire new equipment, or just run more effectively.

4. Sets A Good Example

People of all types of religion visit hospitals in significant numbers. As a result, putting up a solar energy system there might set a good example for the community. Many patients and their families may be influenced to use solar energy in their homes or places of business. By using solar energy, hospitals may set a positive example, stimulate the use of sustainable energy sources, and drastically reduce their carbon footprint. Overall, this sets a good example to the people and this may lead to a solar revolution.

5. Ease of installation

Finding a spare space will be easy because hospitals frequently have big parking lots and roofs (for solar rooftop panels). There are several installation choices, including ground-mounted PV systems and BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic) systems.

These all were the reasons that Solar Energy is a Boon To The Healthcare Industry and as the healthcare industry depends heavily on high-powered technology such as ventilators and diagnostic imaging, installing a solar system in hospitals may drastically reduce electricity cost.

Going solar might help in providing financial and operational sustainability to the healthcare sector, which is growing rapidly year after year and is expected to grow much more in the coming years.

Say Solar provides their clients with consistent clean energy. If you want to go green with your healthcare facility, go to and get solarized TODAY!


  • 1. Can a hospital run on solar panels?

    • Yes, a hospital can run on solar panels. Solar panels can generate electricity for a hospital, which can be used to power lights, medical equipment, heating and cooling systems, and other electrical systems.
  • 2. Do hospitals use solar panels?

    • Some hospitals do use solar panels to generate electricity. Hospitals, like other buildings and facilities, can benefit from using solar power as an alternative or supplement to traditional fossil fuel-based electricity.
  • 3. How does renewable energy help public health?

    • Renewable energy helps public health by reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which can lead to improved respiratory and cardiovascular health. Also, increasing clean energy sources can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels, thus lowering the health risks associated with their extraction and use.

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J/FF-13, Laxmivilla Green Opp. Shalby Hospital Nava Naroda, Gujarat - 382330 India

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