Dr. Hashmukh Prajapati
Bharatsinh Mahida runs a flour factory in Hathaj, Kheda, Gujarat. Like many other small business owners, he was worried about the high electricity bills that his business was incurring. In search of a solution, Mr. Mahida found Say Solar. Say Solar is a solar energy provider that designs and installs solar rooftop systems for homes and businesses.
After consulting with the Say Solar team, Bharatsinh agreed to install a solar rooftop system at his factory. Thirty days after installation, his factory was generating all of its own electricity from the solar panels and was no longer reliant on the grid.
Bharatsinh was very impressed with how much money he saved on his monthly electricity bill, as well as how much cleaner his energy source had become. He also liked the fact that Say Solar specializes in working with small business owners like himself who are looking for renewable energy solutions to their electricity needs.
Bharatsinh Mahida
Village- Hathaj, Dist- Kheda, Gujarat
650 sq ft

Technologies and plant details which we have used and installed on our client premises.
Type of Installation
On-grid solar rooftop system
Installed & Working
Since July 2021
Size of Solar Rooftop System
7.260 kW
Purpose of Installation
Solar for Commercial Property
Panel: Rayzon
Inverter: Sofar
Installer : Say Solar
Discom: MGVCL
Number of Solar Panels
How much energy can be generated
10,599 kWh per year
How Much amount of bill saved Monthly
₹ 7200
Have questions or queries about your solar rooftop system?
Here are some common questions and answers for your fulfillment, go through these questions, and if you still can't find your answer you can contact us.
Many of our customers install their systems to save money on their projects. Some establish the rails and support plates, then hire an electrician to re-hook one last time. Others source from us and hire a local contractor to avoid paying the markup to a national solar installer.
If you want to hire someone to do the installation yourself, learn how to hire a solar installer you can trust.
Numerous factors go into the cost of a solar array for your home, including the state you live in, the size of your electricity bill, the direction your roof faces
About 60% of roofs are suitable for solar energy. If your roof is not correct, you can place the solar installation elsewhere on your premises. Many variables determine if a roof is suitable for a solar system, but the main three are orientation, shade, and condition of the roof.
Today's solar installation hardware and techniques will pose no more damage or risk to your roof than any other vent or roof penetration.
The most direct benefit is that you can gain the opportunity to save the power of your own home from outside of the electrical grid. That will save you money, and if you generate extra power, you might even be able to get credit on your electricity bill from the utilities.