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Industrial Solar Rooftop Solutions in Ahmedabad

A premier Industrial solar panel installation service provider in Ahmedabad

Industrial Solar Rooftop Panel in Ahmedabad

Renewable power sources, specifically solar power, have been making their foundations increasingly strong for Industrial use. Modern-day solar rooftop solutions for industrial organizations have become great speculation for industrial players. Those already using industrial solar power solutions consider it an excellent choice over native grid electricity.

With modern technology and hybrid systems, you can have any part of the organization running entirely. Solar power saves you a lot of money and enables your business to contribute to green.

Benefits of solar rooftop solution for industrial users

Solar rooftop panels have been a revolutionary integration for Industrial entities, here are some of the major benefits.

Low cost

Solar energy is one of the cheapest sources of energy. Industrial Solar rooftop panels also have a very minimum maintenance cost giving you almost free energy after several years.

Adaptable & Scalable

Being a business, it is important to have the scalability of power sources. With increasing needs, you can easily scale your existing industrial solar rooftop power plant to meet the needs.

Clean & Green

Congrats, your organization will now be one step closer to neutralizing the pollution it is creating. Solar energy is a completely pure source of energy.

RPO Compliant

With the government forcing organizations to be RPO compliant, with solar energy use your business will now be Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) compliant.

Solar energy is the future

Marching towards solar revolution

Looking at data on solar energy capacity and utility in India from 2009 to 2022, it shows that we have marched from 69 Megawatts to 39211 Megawatts capacity in solar energy generation.
This clearly shows us that our country if not the world, is moving towards a solar revolution, and soon almost every business will have to be reliant on solar energy for energy needs.
Don't lag behind in the race, install solar rooftop panels for commercial use now.

Be a part of the solar revolution

Install Solar Panels and Save Energy, Now.

Why Choose Saysolar for your Industrial solar installation needs?

Reduce you organisation’s carbon footprint

Reduces your operating costs

Improves your cash flow

Improves your brand with a greener image

High reliability and low maintenance

High ROI

Get in touch

We are here to answer any question you may have. Feel free to reach via contact form.

J/FF-13, Laxmivilla Green Opp. Shalby Hospital Nava Naroda, Gujarat - 382330 India

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    A typical solar panel array is roughly 5kW in size and takes up about 400 square feet of space. An array of this size may generate 350-850 kWh of AC electricity per month on average.

    There are many advantages of using solar energy in industry; these are the main benefits of using solar energy in Industry.
    1. To reduce electricity bills and complement grid power
    2. To achieve sustainable manufacturing.
    3. To preserve energy.
    4. Take steps to reduce carbon emissions
    5. Use free electricity and sell the surplus

    Monocrystalline panels
    Monocrystalline panels are the most effective solar panels for solar energy conversation with around 20-22% conversation rate. As a result, Monocrystalline panels are widely use in industry for solar energy generation.

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